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Cyber Security
Internet of Things
Mon, June 1st 2020
Quantum Base, UK
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This project is funded by Quantum Base and The Royal Society, UK. The Objective of the project is to develop a framework that utilizes “Quantum Identities (QID’s)” for authentication & validation of devices. This project is primarily targeted for resource-constrained devices such as IoT and mobile applications.
The advent of the Internet for communication and devices becoming smarter had led to a new technology called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the initial days, it was confined to a single device by sharing the data within its internal components. As it evolved the scope of IoT has expanded by transferring data through various networks. Since the IoT devices consume less power and low bandwidth, the researcher not paid attention to privacy and security. There are various methods for provisioning data security in IoT, but which are high energy-consuming.
This project is to develop and implement a cryptographically secure online identity system that deploys Quantum Base’s unique and unclonable quantum identities to digital identities.
• To design a framework that uses Quantum Base’s quantum identities for IoT
• Produce proof of concept of the designed framework
• Conduct performance and security analysis on the designed framework
The designed framework ensures the secure transfer of data from the QID Device to the consumer. This is achievable through the unique properties of the PUF. The PUF’s are extremely useful mechanisms to achieve various cryptographic operations like authentication, secret key generation with a very small fingerprint. Also, a presence of a PUF in an IoT device ensures the characteristics of unchangeability. The framework utilizes these characteristics for efficient resource consumption. Also, the designed framework proves to have a low resource cost compared with the other implementations which were discussed in the earlier sections. Besides, The proposed framework gives freedom for the users to choose a wide range of security standards. This allows ease of use for various applications and IoT devices present in the market.